Before accepting the parcel, always check that it has not been damaged in transit. If the packaging carries visible external damage, we advise that you refuse delivery of the package and then contact us by calling + 48 12 200 20 50. After paying the collection amount and confirming receipt of the package, it is possible to open the package in the presence of the courier - in the event of non-compliance, a discrepancy report is prepared, which is the basis for a subsequent complaint. If the purchased product turns out to have manufacturing defects or is not as described, please follow the complaint procedure below:
- Send the product back to us by the cheapest form of shipping (up to PLN 15) that you want to make a complaint, attaching to it the proof of purchase, as well as the return address and the account number to which the money will be refunded (depending on the decision made by the store).
- Within 14 days of receiving the package, we will inform you by e-mail or telephone about the result of the complaint procedure.
- If the complaint is accepted, we will compensate the costs incurred by you by: sending a new copy of the product.
- If the complaint is found to be unjustified, we will provide you with a detailed justification of the decision made and within 14 working days we will send the product back at our expense.
- Bearing in mind the time of settling the matter, we suggest not to send returns, complaints and exchanges in the form of cash on delivery packages. All financial issues related to returns and complaints are made by bank transfer to the account provided in the form. We do not refund money by other forms, such as PAYPAL or postal order.
In case of doubts, please contact us at the following e-mail address: contact@2karko.com or by phone: + 48 12 200 20 50. We will provide you with tips on how to quickly and easily carry out a complaint.
Note: Please keep your proof of purchase (invoice) as it is the basis for the replacement notification. We also suggest returning the products in their original packaging.
In order to replace the goods, please send them back at your own expense to the address:
141 Great Bridge Street, West,
with the following information:
- order number
- first name, last name and contact telephone number
- full address for return dispatch
- model, size and colour of the goods to be replaced
- account number
The purchased goods can be replaced within 14 days from the date of its reception. When replacing them with a more expensive product, the buyer is obliged to cover the difference in price (cash on delivery or payment to the account). It is not possible to replace anything with a cheaper product.
Only brand new and unused goods are subject to replacement.
We would like to kindly inform you that the replacement by the Ordering Party is possible if we have the selected goods (model, colour, size) available in the stock.
The replacement takes up to 5 days from the delivery date.
Bearing in mind the time of handling the matter, we suggest not to send replacements in the form of cash on delivery packages.
Note: if necessary, please contact: contact@2karko.com