§ 1
General provisions
- The KARKO Online Store available at https://www.2karko.com is run by Karko sp. z o.o. Majdan Stary 40A, 23-414 Majdan Stary, KRS 0001052298, NIP (tax identification number): 9182184736, REGON (statistical number): 526076540.
- In any matter related to the functioning of the Online Store, the Customer is asked to contact us by phone at + 48 12 200 20 50, or by email to: contact@2karko.com.
- These Terms and Conditions define in particular the rules of using the Online Store, the rules and procedure for concluding Distance Sales Agreements with the Customer via the Store, as well as the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer, including the complaint process.
- The Terms and Conditions and the Store where the wholesale of Goods is conducted, are addressed only to Entrepreneurs who have completed the Account registration process in the Online Store.
- The condition for concluding a contract for providing services and a Sales Agreement is that the Customer reads the Terms and Conditions and accepts them. The terms and conditions are an integral part of the Sales Agreement concluded with the Customer.
- Customers can access these Terms and Conditions at any time on the website in the "Terms of Purchases" tab. These Terms and Conditions can also be downloaded in PDF format or printed.
§ 2
- For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions , the following terms will have the following meanings:
1) Prices - specified in euro (EUR) or in another currency, the remuneration due to the Seller for the transfer of ownership of the Goods to the Customer in accordance with the Sales Agreement. The price does not include delivery costs, which depend on the manner of the implementation, unless the terms of the promotion used by the Store provide otherwise.
2) Customer - Entrepreneur who concludes Distance Sales Agreements with the Seller or is interested in the Seller's provision of other services by electronic means. It is presumed that the Customer who is not a natural person is represented by a person authorized to represent the Customer under applicable law.
3) Civil Code - the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1360, as amended)
4)Account - a set of data stored in the Online Store and in the Seller's ICT system regarding a given Customer together with his placed orders and concluded contracts, with which the Customer may place orders and conclude Sales Agreements.
5) Privacy and cookie policy of the 2KARKO Online Store - a document setting out detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies. The privacy and cookie policy is available on the Seller's website and constitutes Attachment 1 to the Terms and Conditions.
6) Entrepreneur - is defined, in particular, as a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, who is given a legal capability by a separate act, regardless of whether it is a public or private entity, who runs business, professional, trade, craft and freelance activities on his own behalf.
7) Terms and Conditions - these terms and conditions with attachments, specifying the rules for concluding Distance Sale Agreements via the Online Store, the rules for the performance of these agreements, the rights and obligations of the parties to the Sales Agreement and the rules for complaint proceedings. In the scope of services provided by electronic means, and its terms and conditions with their attachments constitute the terms and conditions referred to in Article 8 of the Act of July 18, 2002 - on providing services by electronic means. All attachments constitute an integral part of the Terms and Conditions, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
8) Online Store (hereinafter also referred to as the "Store") - a website run by the Seller, available at the following electronic address: https://www.2karko.com/ thanks to which the Customer can obtain information about the Product and its availability and place orders for Goods or outsource a service.
9) Seller - Karko sp. z o.o. Majdan Stary 40A, 23-414 Majdan Stary, NIP 9182184736, KRS 0001052298, REGON 526076540
10) Goods - a movable property in the Seller's offer, which the Customer may purchase in the Online Store. All Goods offered in the Online Store are brand new and have been legally marketed.
11) Content - any information, data, elements, materials, algorithms, diagrams, works, markings, logos, names, signs, symbols, descriptions and photos of the Goods from the Seller or its partners, regardless of their nature, format and method of recording or presenting.
12) Sales Agreement - a distance contract for the sale of the Goods concluded via the Online Store, between the Seller and the Customer, the subject of which are the Goods available in the Store.
13) Seller's Service - a service provided by the Seller or a subcontractor: (e.g. Goods Delivery, Insurance, Warranty, Value Added Services, etc.)
14) Act on providing services by electronic means - the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing services by electronic means (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended)
- In any case when the singular in the definitions above is used to denote a named activity, person or thing, these definitions shall apply accordingly to the plural and when the plural is used, these definitions shall apply accordingly to the singular.
§ 3
Terms of the Store Use
- Using the Online Store is possible provided that the ICT system used by the Customer meets the following minimum technical requirements:
1) access to a device such as a tablet, smartphone, PC, mobile device with access to the Internet;
2) installed and up to date Windows, Android or iOS operating system;
3) a web browser:
a) MicorsoftEDGE with ActiveX, JavaScript and cookies enabled or,
b) Mozilla Firefox version 15 or newer with enabled JavaScript and cookies or,
c) Google Chrome version 12 or newer with enabled JavaScript and cookies or,
d) Safari version 10 or newer with JavaScript and cookies enabled;
4) an active e-mail account (e-mail),
5) the minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels,
6) software for opening files sent as a PDF file attached to an e-mail, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- The Seller informs that the costs resulting from the use of the Internet by the Customer depend on the price list of the telecommunications operator or the Internet access service provider used by the Customer. These costs and any other costs related to the provision of the technical conditions set out in paragraph 1 above shall be charged to the Customer.
- The Seller will make every effort to ensure secure data transmission via the Internet as part of using the Store.
- The Seller declares that regardless of the actions taken by him to secure the Store, because of the public nature of the Internet, Customers should take into account the risk of obtaining and modifying their data by unauthorized persons. In order to increase the security of their equipment and data, Customers should use appropriate technical measures that will minimize the above-mentioned risks by using anti-virus programmes and programmes protecting the identity of Internet users.
- Any extraordinary signs of the operation of the Store, in particular a different appearance of the Store, unusual messages, images, without prior information sent by the Seller to the Customers regarding the possibility of such events, may mean an attempt to unlawfully take over the password or other unlawful actions of third parties. In such circumstances, it is recommended that you stop using the Store immediately.
- The Seller uses the mechanism of "cookies", which are saved on the hard drive of the Customer's terminal device when the Customers use the Store. The use of "cookies" is aimed at the correct operation of the Store on the Customers' terminal devices. This mechanism does not destroy the Customer's terminal device and does not change the configuration of the Customer's terminal devices or the software installed on them. Each Customer may disable the "cookies" mechanism in the web browser of his terminal device. The operator indicates that disabling "cookies" may, however, cause difficulties or prevent the use of the Store.
- If there is a need to carry out the maintenance of the Store or introduce changes to its operation, some or all of the functionalities may be temporarily unavailable. The Seller will inform the Customer about any difficulties through messages displayed in the Store.
§ 4
Services provided via the Store
- The Seller provides services to Customers by electronic means (hereinafter also referred to as "Services") via the Store.
- The following electronic services are available in the Store:
1) maintaining a Customer Account;
2) enabling placing orders for Goods available in the Online Store and concluding Sales Agreements;
3) sending e-mail messages - consent to sending e-mails is voluntary;
3. Services are provided on the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions.
§ 5
Customer Account
- The Customer gains access to the Account after registering the Account. The Account service enables Customers to use the functionality of the Online Store, including the possibility to get familiar with the Prices of the Goods and place an order for the Goods and conclude a Sales Agreement.
- In order to register the Account, the Customer is obliged to:
1) read the Terms and Conditions carefully and accept them by marking the appropriate checkbox;
2) complete the registration form available at: Registration , and then click the "Register" button or other equivalent.
- As part of registration, the Customer provides:
1) the customer's company;
2) registered office address;
3) tax identification number;
4) telephone number;
5) e-mail address;
- Account registration can only be made by the Customers themselves or a person authorized to represent the Customer on their own (including a member of the management board, proxy, attorney or another person designated for this purpose by the Customer).
- After the correct registration form completion, the Customer will receive a confirmation of registration from the Seller via e-mail. Account activation will take place after approval by the Seller.
At the moment of enabling the Customer to access the Account, an agreement for providing services by electronic means in the field of running the Account is concluded between the Seller and the Customer for an indefinite period.
- When registering an Account, as well as using the Store, the Customer should provide true, accurate, complete and not misleading data. The Customer is solely responsible for the authenticity of the data provided during registration and use of the Store, including personal data, both his own and third parties. In the case of providing data of third parties, the Customer declares that he has the appropriate authorization/consent of these persons to provide such data, including personal data, and to conclude a Sales Agreement. In the event of a change to the data provided during registration, the Customer is obliged to immediately update the data in the Store, no later than within 14 days from the occurrence of such a change.
- The Seller reserves the right to request additional declarations and documents. Information on additional documents that the Customers will be required to send to the Seller shall be provided in the e-mail sent by the Seller after the Customer completes the registration form.
- In a situation where the Customer's data requires additional verification, or in the event of having reasonable concerns as to the security of the Account or the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, in particular regarding the unauthorized takeover of the Account by another person, the Seller may:
1) make the use of the Store dependent on the Customers' confirmation of their reliability with relevant documents;
2) suspend the Account for a definite or indefinite period. Contact and verification may also take place by establishing contact by the Seller with the Customer outside the Store, including phone call or e-mail.
§ 6
Orders - Sales Agreement
- The prices presented on the website of the Online Store are the prices:
1) for Customers with an European VAT number (VAT-EU) - net prices (i.e. not including VAT);
2) for Customers without an European VAT number (VAT-EU) - the gross prices (i.e. including the VAT applicable at the place of performance of the Sales Agreement).
- In order to make an offer to purchase the Goods, the Customer should place an order. The order is made by filling in the appropriate form on the website of the Online Store and clicking the button marked: "Order and pay" or other equivalent. After clicking the finalizing button "Order and pay" or another equivalent, the Customer will be able to select the payment method and will be automatically redirected to the payment window operated by an external supplier to make payment for the order or - in the case of payment by bank transfer - to the Store's website with instructions for making the payment.
- Instructions for placing an order are also available in the how to buy?
- The condition for order implementation is that the Customer provides data allowing for the verification of the Customer and the recipient of the Goods, i.e.:
1) the Customer's company;
2) address appropriate for the dispatch of the ordered Goods;
3) e-mail address or telephone number and
4) data necessary to issue an invoice.
- After the order has been correctly placed by the Customer, the Seller will send information about the order to the Customer's e-mail address. This information is not a confirmation of the acceptance of the Customer's offer. It is only information that the Seller has received the order.
- Next, the Seller verifies whether the order can be accepted for implementation.
- If the Seller accepts the Customer's order for processing, he sends him or her information by e-mail about the approval of the order for implementation. At the moment of the receipt of such a declaration by the Customer, a Sales Agreement is concluded between the parties.
- The Seller reserves that in a situation where the implementation of the order placed by the Customer turns out to be impossible, the Seller may propose the following solutions:
1) cancellation of the entire order - the choice of this option by the Customer dispenses the Seller from the obligation to implement the order;
2) cancellation of the order in the part in which its implementation is not possible within a reasonable time - the choice of this option by the Customer dispenses the Seller from the implementation of the order to the extent that it is impossible;
3) splitting the order and specifying the deadline for completing the order in part, the implementation of which is not initially possible, the choice of this option by the Customer causes that the delivery will be made in separate consignments, while the Customer will not incur additional costs of delivery related to the split of the order.
- The parties are bound by the information indicated in the sent summary of the order accepted for implementation, i.e. in particular: Price, Product characteristics, its features, elements included in the set, date and method of delivery.
- Information on the Store's website, including descriptions of the Goods, Prices do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code regulations, but only an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of art. 71 of the Civil Code. By placing an order, the Customer submits an offer to the Seller to purchase a specific Good. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement takes place upon confirmation by the Seller of the acceptance of the Order for implementation, on the terms set out in paragraph 5 above.
- The total price for the ordered Goods, including the fees for the Goods delivery and any other costs, may differ depending on the payment method selected by the Customer, the information about which will be placed in the payment form next to the appropriate field for selecting the payment method.
- By placing an order, the Customer declares that he agrees to issue and send invoices and corrective invoices in electronic form to the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the ordering process.
- Orders may only be placed by the Customer himself or a person authorized to represent the Customer on his own, e.g. a member of the management board or a proxy authorized by the Customer for this purpose.
- The Seller has the right to change the prices of the Goods, introduce and withdraw the Goods, give discounts on individual Goods and carry out and cancel promotions. Changes may also apply to Goods added by the Customer to the Basket - until the Customer selects the "Buy and pay" option or another equivalent option.
- Just adding a Product to the Basket does not imply its Order or reservation, which means that as long as it is not properly ordered by the Customer, it may be ordered and purchased by another Customer.
- The Seller informs that the storage, protection and sharing of the order data and the Sales Agreement takes place via e-mail.
§ 7
- Payment for the Goods can be made in the way selected while ordering.
- The Customer has a choice of payment methods, specified in detail in the Payment methods tab, including in particular:
1) Traditional transfer (The goods are sent when the payment is credited to the Seller's bank account)
2) payments (by selecting this option, the Customer bears an additional cost of 5% to the value of the order placed).
- In the case of payment by payment card, the order completion date is counted from the moment of positive transaction authorization.
- The date of dispatch of the Goods is extended by the period between placing the order and the date the payment is credited to the Store's bank account.
- Delivery prices are specified in the delivery price list.
- The condition for taking the Goods is payment for the Goods and delivery.
- The Customer is obliged to make the payment within 3 working days from the date of the Sale Agreement conclusion.
- In the event of the Customer's failure to make the payment within the time limit specified in sec. 7, the Seller has the right, within 30 days from the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, to withdraw from the Sales Agreement, without setting an additional payment date for the Customer. In this case, the Customer will receive an e-mail about the cancellation of the order, which means the Seller withdraws from the Sales Agreement. The e-mail sent to the Customer about the cancellation of the order means the Seller's withdrawal from the Sales Agreement.
§ 8
Dispatch of the Goods
- The cost of delivery of the ordered Goods is covered by the Customer, unless otherwise provided for in the discount, promotion or separate arrangements between the parties.
- The Customer will be informed about the possible methods and available delivery times via the order form or by e-mail.
- The purchased Goods are delivered in the way and to the address indicated in the order by the Customer.
- The ordered goods are dispatched by the Seller via courier companies or in a different way agreed between the parties. The available delivery method may differ depending on the Customer's seat and the country to which the order is dispatched. The Customer is informed about the limitations related to the delivery of the Goods at the beginning of placing the order.
- The date of delivery of the ordered Goods depends on the place to which the ordered Goods are to be sent. The delivery time also depends on the method and form of delivery agreed between the Parties to the Sales Agreement.
- In the event of delivery of the Goods via a carrier, the Customer is obliged to inspect the package in time and in the manner accepted for such consignments. If he finds that during the transport there has been a loss or damage to the Goods, the Customer is obliged to take all steps necessary to determine the liability of the carrier performing the delivery.
§ 9
- Any complaints regarding the functioning of the Online Store, including matters relating to services provided electronically and contracts concluded through it, can be sent via the complaint form available on its pages. Complaints may also be submitted in writing to the address of the Seller's registered office.
In the event of non-compliance of the goods with the contract, the Customer should send back to the address of the Seller's seat or the address indicated in the e-mail correspondence, at the Seller's expense, the goods complained about by the cheapest form of shipment (up to PLN 15) along with a description of the non-compliance. All financial matters regarding complaints and exchanges are made by bank transfer to the bank account provided in the form. We do not refund money by other forms such as PAYPAL or postal order).
Bearing in mind the time of settling the matter, we suggest that you do not send complaints in the form of cash on delivery packages.
At the time of submitting a claim under the warranty, proof of purchase of the goods in the Online Store should be presented (e.g. account statement, card payment confirmation, receipt or invoice).
If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, the Seller will immediately request the Customer to supplement them in the indicated scope. Along with such notification, the Customer will be sent information on how to supplement the deficiencies in the complaint.
The store will respond to the customer's complaint within 14 days of receiving the complaint. Details on the procedure on the Seller's website in the tab> Complaints and exchanges.
When the implementation of a justified complaint involves sending a new product to the Customer or removing non-compliance, the costs of delivery are borne by the Seller.
The seller reserves that the differences in the photos of the goods and resulting from the individual settings of the customer's computer (color, proportions, etc.) may not be the basis for a complaint.
§ 10
Seller's Liabilities
- The Customer uses the Store voluntarily.
- The Seller conducts ongoing supervision over the technical functioning of the Store, ensuring its proper operation, but does not guarantee the constant availability of all services offered within the Store, as well as their faultless or failure-free operation.
- The Seller shall not be liable for any interruptions in the operation of the Store due to technical reasons, in particular the need for its maintenance, poor quality of the Internet connection, damage or defect of telecommunications devices, failure of the telecommunications network, or the actions of third parties.
- The Seller provides a 24-monthly guarantee for the purchased Goods.
- The Seller is liable only for damages caused by wilful act to the Customer and only for the actual damage, however, it may not exceed the value of the placed order.
- The Seller is not liable, in particular:
1) for lost profits;
2) for disruptions in the functioning of the Store caused by force majeure, equipment failure or unauthorized interference by Customers and damages that may have arisen as a result of these events, even if they would cause data loss;
3) for non-performance or improper performance of services provided by electronic means, if it is caused by third parties, in particular telecommunications operators, e-mail operators, telecommunications links and electricity providers;
4) for acts and omissions of third parties, including mail providers, courier companies, internet services, etc .;
5) for the impossibility or difficulties in using the Store for reasons attributable to the Customer, in particular for the loss of the Customer or the possession of third parties the password or placing an order by unauthorized persons;
6) for damages incurred by the Customer as a result of using the Store in a manner inconsistent with its intended use or contrary to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions;
7) for the behaviour of Customers, as well as for content provided or published by Customers. The content posted by Customers is not Seller's views and opinions.
8. Benefits and burdens together with the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods shall be transferred to the Customer while the Seller hands over the Goods to a carrier designated for the transport of such items for delivery to the Customer. In such a case, the Seller shall not be liable for the carrier's actions or omissions, in particular for the loss, defect or damage to the Goods arising from the moment of acceptance of the Goods for transport until their delivery to the Customer, as well as for delay in transporting the consignment.
9. The Seller reserves the right to refuse to implement the order in the event of errors on the Store's website, including those consisting in displaying incorrect information about the Prices of the Goods.
§ 10
Customer's Liabilities
- The Customer has the right to use the Store on the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions.
- The Customer declares that he is aware of the risk associated with the use of the Internet, including use of the Store.
- The Seller shall be fully liable for any false declarations and assurances and for failure to comply with the obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions or the concluded contract.
- The Customer is obliged:
1) to use the Store in compliance with the applicable Terms and Conditions and applicable law;
2) not to deliver or transfer content prohibited by applicable law within the Store;
3) to use the Store in a way that does not interfere with its functioning;
4) to refrain from disseminating commercial information within the Store, which would be considered spam;
5) not to make the Account available to unauthorized persons;
6) to securely store the password to your Account and not to disclose it to third parties;
7) to immediately notify the Seller via e-mail of any unauthorized use of the Account;
8)to update the data that was provided during Account registration and subsequent use on an ongoing basis;
- The Customer undertakes not to perform, in particular, the following activities:
1) prevent or hinder other Customers from using the Store, in particular through "hacking" activities;
2) use the Store or its content for purposes contrary to the Terms and Conditions or applicable law;
3) undertake spamming, phishing or other activities aimed at illegal information gathering;
4) upload software or other materials containing harmful code, including viruses, Trojan horses or others;
5) modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reprogram, decompile or disassemble any part of the Store;
6) remove any markings of legal protection, including copyrights and protection rights for a trademark, contained in the Store;
7) use the Store in a way that may cause damage, violate the interests of the Seller or other Customers;
8) send any advertising or promotional information, including spam, the so-called chain letters or other similar actions.
§ 11
Discounts, promotions
- The Seller may grant discounts to the Customer.
- The Customer has the right to take advantage of the promotions provided by the Seller.
- The conditions for calculating discounts and promotions are agreed individually with the Seller.
- Any discounts and promotions will be charged after adding the goods to the basket.
§ 12
Privacy protection
- The Seller is the administrator of personal data of Customers who use the Store.
- The data will be processed in order to perform the contract for providing services, the Sales Agreement, claims management, fulfilment of statutory obligations imposed on the administrator, fulfilment of other legally justified purposes of the administrator or recipients of the data and for the purposes for which the Customer gives his voluntary consent, including for the marketing purposes.
- Personal data provided to the Seller is given voluntarily, but failure to provide certain data prevents the Customer from creating an Account or placing an order and its implementation.
- The Customer may also express a separate consent to receive advertising and promotional materials from the Store via the Newsletter/e-mail.
- The Customers have the right to access their personal data and correct it, request the cessation of their processing and object to its processing.
- Detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies are described in the privacy and cookies policy, available in the Privacy Policy tab.
§ 13
Intellectual property
- The Store or its individual elements, including in particular individual Content, compilations of materials and studies, are protected by Polish and international law, in particular by the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights. The Seller reserves that the protection of the Store's property rights also applies to all materials that are provided to Customers by electronic means, in particular by e-mail.
- Upon starting to use the Store, the Seller grants the Customer a license to use the Store in accordance with its intended purpose, such a license is granted only for fair personal use and does not authorize the Customer to grant further licenses or to use the Store for other purposes.
- It is forbidden to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, transmit, reprint, sublicense, create collective works from the provided Content, without the written consent of the Seller.
- The Customer declares that:
1) he is not entitled to any rights, including copyrights or related rights to the Content, except for the right to use it in the manner specified in the Terms and Conditions and beyond the rights to the content, including opinions posted by him. The Customer is not entitled to any recording, reproduction, sharing, publication or dissemination of the Content, unless such permission results from the provisions of law or the Terms and Conditions;
2) he is not entitled to any interference with the Content, in particular, is not entitled to interfere with the content, structure, form, graphics, operation mechanism or other elements of the Online Store; he may not make any changes, additions, modifications or other actions to the content except those explicitly permitted under these Terms and Conditions;
3) The Customer acknowledges that the Content, including, for example, advice, tips and guidance will not replace advice and guidance provided by an expert or other competent person, who will analyze in details a specific case and all its circumstances;
4) by posting content in the Store, including in particular photos and opinions that constitute works, within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights - the Customer grants the Seller a non-exclusive and free license to use these works by Seller for an indefinite period, which includes, in particular, the public sharing of the work in such a way that everyone can have access to it in a place and time chosen by them (Internet). The license is granted for the following fields of use:
- recording of the work and its reproduction by any technique, in particular digital techniques and computer recording technique in any system and on any medium;
- using it in full or in part in an on-line network, including entering it into a computer memory or disseminating it in a multimedia network, including the Internet, mobile telephone networks or making available in digital form in an unlimited number of broadcasts and circulations;
- using it in the Store, on the pages of other websites cooperating with the Seller, in computer programmes and in mobile applications;
- using it in any form for the purposes of information, promotion and advertising and the provision of services within the Store;
- sharing it in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time chosen by them (including on the Internet);
- translating, adapting, rearranging or changing in other ways;
- performing and authorizing third parties to develop, change, modify and produce derivative works;
5) grants the Seller permission to prepare the studies and their elements which are the subject of the license, as well as to use and dispose of these studies for the purposes related to the services provided by the Seller.
- The Customer agrees not to post opinions that contain links to external websites, those which are of promotional or advertising nature, or those containing data of third parties or infringing the rights of third parties.
§ 14
Termination of the contract
- The Customer may terminate the contract for providing services by electronic means, including the maintenance of the Account, at any time with immediate effect, informing the Seller about it via e-mail to the following e-mail address: contact@2karko.com.
- Contract termination for providing services in the field of maintaining the Account which entered into force results in the deletion of the Customer Account in the Store.
- The Seller has the right to terminate the contract for providing services relating to the Account with immediate effect in the event of cessation or transfer of the Seller's e-shops service to a third party, or breach of the law or provisions of the Terms and Conditions by the Customer. The declaration on the termination of the contract for providing Account services is sent to the address associated with the Customer Account.
- The Seller reserves the right to delete the Account or temporarily block the use of the Content and services to Customers who violate or do not respect the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, and also violate the interests of the Customer or other Customers in any way. The assessment of the occurrence of the above-mentioned undesirable behaviour remains at the discretion of the Seller.
§ 15
Entry into force and amendments to the Terms and Conditions
- These Terms and Conditions are valid from 01/08/2022.
- These Terms and Conditions may be changed for legal or technical reasons, and information about changes to the Terms and Conditions will be displayed as a message on the Store's website, and also sent to the Customers to the e-mail addresses provided during Account registration - no later than 14 days before the amended Terms and Conditions enter into force. During this time, the Customer should accept the new provisions of the Terms and Conditions or refuse to accept them by sending an appropriate e-mail to the following e-mail address: contact@2karko.com.
- The Seller informs that the refusal to accept the changes to the Terms and Conditions means the removal of the Account from the Store, and if the Seller is in the process of implementing an order placed and accepted by the Store, the result of termination of the contract for the provision of services will take place upon completion of the order in question.
- All orders accepted by the Seller for processing before the date of amendment to the Terms and Conditions are implemented on the basis of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which were in force on the date of placing the order by the Customer.
§ 16
Final provisions
- In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code, the Act on providing services by electronic means and the Act on Copyright and Related Rights - in the currently applicable versions.
- In the event that any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions, invalid or unenforceable, will be replaced by provisions that are legally valid and fully enforceable, as well as with the ones most similar to them.
- Any disputes arising from the functioning of the Store, including concluded Sales Agreements, will be settled by the court competent for the seat of the Seller and are subject to Polish law.
- The Seller declares that he is not a large entrepreneur within the meaning of Art. 4c of the Act of March 8, 2013 on counteracting excessive payment delays in commercial transactions.
- The Seller informs that some elements of the Store, including the Terms and Conditions, have been translated into other languages. The original language of the Terms and Regulations, the website and all communication between the Company and the Users is Polish. In the event of any doubts related to the translated content referred to in the preceding sentence, they are resolved by reference to the original language version, except for situations where the mandatory provisions of law require it to be resolved on the basis of a different language version.
- The Customer is not entitled to transfer his rights or obligations under the contract concluded with the Seller (in whole or in part) to third parties without the prior express consent of the Seller expressed in writing under pain of nullity.